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For this blog:

During our wonderful National Geographic/Lindblad cruise of the Galapagos Islands.  This was another great trip with our travel friends, Jim and Phyllis Bratt.  The wildlife was fascinating and the guide and lectures were fun and informative.  

This calendar featured four inserts of additional photos:   
    Other Animals
    Sea Lions

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Calendar Pages

2018 Calendar Pages including Front and Back Covers

Front Cover - South Plaza Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

January - Blue  Footed Boobie, South Plaza Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

February - Giant Tortoise, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

March - Land Iguana, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

April - Brown Pelican, Floreana Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

May - Ground Finch, San Cristobal Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

June - Sea Lion and pup, Espanola Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

July - Magnificent Frigatebirds, South Plaza Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

August - Land Iguana, South Plaza Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

September - Nazca Boobies, Espanola Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

October - Sally Lightfoot Crab, Espanola Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

November - Red Footed Boobie, Genovesa Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

December - Santa Fe Mockingbird, Santa Fe Island Galapagos, Ecuador

January - Marine Iguana, Espanola Island Galapagos, Ecuador

Back Cover, Sea Lion on the Nat Geo Islander, Genovesa Island, Galapagos, Ecuador


Blue Heron

Brown Pelican

Galapagos Hawk

Galapagos Mockingbird 

Galapagos Penguin

Lava Heron

Magnificent Frigatebird 

Magnificent Frigatebird

Nazca Boobie and chick

Red Footed Boobie Chick

Swallow-Tailed Gull

Yellow Warbler


Other Animals

Sea Lions